Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Sleep-disordered breathing (SBD) is used to describe snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) syndrome. Snoring and OSA are common medical conditions that affect 15–50% of the adult population worldwide. These conditions affect children too.

Snoring, due to the vibration of tissues in the throat, can be a symptom of partial airway obstruction. The partial obstruction can lead to complete airway obstruction (OSA). With upper airway obstruction, the oxygen supply to the brain, heart, and vital organs is transiently reduced. This results in other medical complications, such as heart disease and stroke, over a long period of time.
Snoring is sometimes accompanied by mouth breathing. Prolonged mouth breathing may result in an open bite as the child’s jaw grows and develops over time.

Studies have shown that OSA presents a huge economic burden to society. Individuals with untreated OSA are associated with poor work performance, and occupational injuries, and are involved in road traffic accidents more often.

In children, OSA is manifested in poorer academic and extracurricular performances.

A child with OSA may have the following complaints:

  1. Snoring
  2. Choking or gasping episodes during sleep
  3. Excessive daytime sleepiness despite a good 8–9-hour sleep period
  1. Hyperactivity in the daytime
  2. Poor academic performance.
  3. Morning headaches


Anatomic abnormality

Snoring and OSA can occur due to anatomic abnormality in a child’s upper airway leading to narrowing and obstruction.

A child may have

  1. Large inferior turbinates in the nose due to untreated allergic rhinitis
  2. Nasal polyps within the nose
  3. Large adenoids at the back of the nose
  4. Large tonsils cause oral airway obstruction.

In a small group of special kids, the airway narrowing may be due to underlying genetic conditions such as Pierre Robin Sequence or Treacher Collins Syndrome, resulting in narrowing of the jaw and facial skeleton.


Weight gain in children can contribute to snoring and OSA. Excessive fat accumulation around the upper airway can result in narrowing and obstruction.


A child who snores persistently should be reviewed by an ENT surgeon. At the ENT office, we will perform a comprehensive examination that includes a nasoendoscopy to assess the upper airway.

A sleep study or polysomnography may be recommended for further evaluation of the child’s sleep dynamics.



Our first approach to our paediatric patients is always to manage the condition with medications before we consider surgical means.

Most snoring children have underlying untreated or poorly treated allergic rhinitis. We endeavour to create a treatment plan that would maximise the child’s clinical response to allergic rhinitis; this may involve certain household measures, intranasal steroids, oral antihistamines, and other medications.


Figure 1. Large tonsils causing airway obstruction in a child

Our first approach to our paediatric patients is always to manage the condition with medications before we consider surgical means.Most snoring children have underlying untreated or poorly treated allergic rhinitis. We endeavour to create a treatment plan that would maximise the child’s clinical response to allergic rhinitis; this may involve certain household measures, intranasal steroids, oral antihistamines, and other medications.


Weight loss measures may be recommended if the child is likely to benefit.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

Figure 2. A child using a CPAP machine for sleep apnea

As the name implies, the application of CPAP to the narrow upper airway (similar to blowing air continuously into a bouncy castle!) allows it to maintain its shape – essential for oxygen transfer. This is done via a face mask and a special machine at the child’s bedside. This treatment plan is administered by a pediatric sleep physician in consultation with an ENT surgeon.


A child with significant snoring at night may require a comprehensive evaluation by a paediatric ENT surgeon and a paediatric respiratory physician. A full treatment plan can only be crafted after such a careful evaluation.

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